BME | Machine Learning - Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
Purpose: Source separation
input: , with n x’s. $ x^{(i)}.\text{size} = (d,1) $
output: , where s should not be Gaussian distributed, otherwise s cannot be solved
Here, A is called the mixing matrix, W is called the unmixing matrix, , ,
ICA Algorithm
Maximum Likelihood Estimation|MLE Algorithm
Assuming sources are independent of each other, then
Background Knowledge 1: is the density of x, is the density of s, and since , then
Based on Knowledge 1, substitute into
Background Knowledge 2: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) F is defined as , density
Background Knowledge 3: For the sigmoid function,
Background Knowledge 4:
To specify the density of , we choose a specific CDF, which can be any CDF other than Gaussian. For computational convenience (as per Knowledge 3), we choose the sigmoid function , then as per Knowledge 2, substitute it to get , and obtain the likelihood
refers to
To maximize , using Knowledge 3 and 4, iterate on W. The iterative algorithm formula (for a fixed i) is:
Continue until convergence of the algorithm, i.e., W no longer changes. Then, we can obtain the original sources through
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