K means Clustering


There are kk subsets C1,C2,C3,...,CkC_1, C_2, C_3, ..., C_k, and 1,...,n1, ..., n data points, and all data points satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Each point belongs to a cluster.
  2. Each cluster is non-overlapping.

Defining Distance

Z(C1,,Ck)=l=1k12Cli,jClxixj22Z ( C _ { 1 } , \cdots , C _ { k } ) = \sum _ {l = 1 } ^ { k } \frac { 1 } { 2 | C _ { l } | } \sum _ {i , j \in C _ { l }} { \| x _ { i } - x _ j\|_2 ^ { 2 }}

where Ck|C_k| denotes the number of observations in the kth cluster.

The goal is to minimize the pairwise squared distance for each cluster.

Z(C1,,Ck)=l=1kiClkxiμl22Z ( C _ { 1 } , \cdots , C _ { k } ) = \sum _ { l = 1 } ^ { k } \sum _ { i \in C_l } ^ { k } | | x _ { i } - \mu_l | | _ { 2 } ^ { 2 }


μl=1CliClxi\mu _ { l } = \frac { 1 } { | C _ { l } | } \sum _ { i \in C _ { l } } x _ { i }

Iterative Objective

minc1,,ckZ(C1,,Ck)\operatorname { m i n } _ { c _ { 1 }, \cdots , c _ { k } } Z ( C _ { 1 } , \cdots , C _ { k } )

Algorithm | Lloyd’s algorithm

Not necessarily optimal because if the initialized points are not good, it can converge to a suboptimal clustering.

  • input: x1,x2,...,xkx_1, x_2, ..., x_k
  • initial: C1,C2,...,CkC_1, C_2, ..., C_k
  • loss function

Z(C1,,Ck)=l=1k12Cli,jClxixj22Z ( C _ { 1 } , \cdots , C _ { k } ) = \sum _ {l = 1 } ^ { k } \frac { 1 } { 2 | C _ { l } | } \sum _ {i , j \in C _ { l }} { \| x _ { i } - x _ j\|_2 ^ { 2 }}

  • If not yet converged,

    1. Update centroids.
    2. Update clusters.

Choosing k: Determining Size

If Zk+1<<ZkZ_{k+1}<<Z_k, it is necessary to increase k, i.e., kk+1k\rightarrow k+1.

Finding the position of the knee in the loss function-k function

Choosing initial cluster assignment

  • Everyone tries several random initial cluster assignments and then selects the one with the lowest result using Lloyd’s algorithm.
  • Or, through the k-means++ method: randomly select the first data point as a centroid, then choose subsequent centroids based on a distance-weighted distribution from the already selected centroids.

Decision Boundaries

The region {xRd    xμl2=xμl2}\{x\in \mathbb{R}^d\ \ |\ \ ||x-\mu_l||_2 = ||x-\mu_{l'}||_2\} can be computed using two cluster centroids μl\mu_l, μl\mu_{l'}.



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