

宾夕法尼亚大学(UPenn), 2024(预计毕业时间)


  • 专业: 生物医学工程学士学位
  • GPA: 3.86/4.0 (88.2/100)


  • 专业: 生物医学工程
  • GPA: 3.94/4.0


Modulatory Effects of tACS on Power and Network Functional Connectivity

  • Advisor: Dr. Roy Hamilton and Dr. Denise Harvey
  • Highlight: tACS, EEG, Python (MNE), Matlab (EEGLAB), PsychoPy
  • Description: Implement tACS + EEG during working memory/language tasks. Analyze potential enhancements in stimulated frequency, network connectivity impact, and their relation to behavior.

Paired Pulse TMS-EEG for Measuring Cortical Excitability

  • Advisor: Dr. Roy Hamilton & Dr. Sudha Kessler
  • Highlight: TMS, EEG, Matlab (EEGLAB)
  • Description: Analysis rTMS-evoked EEG potentials (TEP). Cnduct time-frequency analysis and explore network connectivity.

Finger Flexion Prediction Algorithm based on ECoG Signal

  • Advisor: Dr. Brian Litt
  • Highlight: ECoG, Random Forest, Python(numpy, scipy, sklearn)
  • Description: Employed random forest to train a predictive model using ECoG and glove signal. Achieved an 53% accuracy rate, securing second place in the competition.

Automatic Detection of Anatomical Variants on the Brain’s Surface

  • Advisor: Dr. Frithjof Kruggel
  • Highlight: Linux, C++, fMRI
  • Description: Helped design and optimize an algorithm to automatically identify the “plis de passage” and its locations, and study the distribution pattern of plis.

A Portable Device for Automatic Measurement of Capillary Refill Time

  • Advisor: Dr. Pengcheng Li
  • Highlight: C++, SCM, Biosensor
  • Description: Developed a portable device for automatically measuring real-time Capillary Refill Time (CRT).

The RNA-Seq Analysis of Purkinje Neurons in SN6-KO Mice

  • Advisor: Dr. Jingyu Liu
  • Highlight: PCR, paraffin embedding
  • Description: Screened wild-type mice and SN6-KO mice via genotype identification, and PC (EGFP carrying) conditional through EGFP fluorescence observation to knockout mice.

Working Experience

Hangzhou CodeDog Technology Co., Ltd

  • Position: Software Engineer and Product Manager (Internship)
  • Description: Helped with designing an AI-powered all-in-one robot.

Penn Biotechnology Consulting Group (PBG)

  • Position: Healthcare Consultants
  • Description: Conducted market research on virtual care and telemedicine companies to identify potential customers for a clinical care orchestration company.

Wuhan United Imaging Medical Science and Technology Co., Ltd

  • Position: Systems Engineer (Internship)
  • Description: Researched insulin pump product parameters, surveyed Bluetooth Low Energy tech vs. other communication methods, evaluating functionalities and communication modes for market analysis.

Poster Presentation

Automatic Detection of Anatomical Variants on the Brain’s Surface

  • Organizer: Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • Download: Click Here

A Portable Device for Automatic Measurement of Quasi-Continuous Capillary Refill

  • Organizer: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project for College Students
  • Download: Click Here


  • Programming: MATLAB (EEGLAB), Python (PyTorch, NumPy), C++, R, Linux, ESP32, Arduino
  • Software: LaTeX, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, SPSS, Jupyter, Microsoft Office
  • Prototyping: 3D Printing, Mill, Lathe, Laser Cutting